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High Performance Brain
27 de jun. de 20211 min de leitura
Efeito do Sono no Exercício
1 - alguns autores mostraram que a privação de sono está associada a uma diminuição no VO2máx, outros não encontraram nenhuma relação; 2...
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High Performance Brain
4 de mar. de 20212 min de leitura
Suplementos Personalizados
.Our personalized supplements have as main objective to promote the mental and physical health of each patient, for this purpose we have...
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High Performance Brain
4 de mar. de 20211 min de leitura
Genetic Test Nathalie Hendrikse
Nathalie Hendrikse accepted our challenge and did her nutrigenetics and athletic performance tests with High Performance Brain. . After...
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High Performance Brain
4 de mar. de 20211 min de leitura
Physical Exercise in children
Physical Exercise should be an integral part of normal growth and development in children, particularly in infancy and early childhood,...
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High Performance Brain
4 de mar. de 20211 min de leitura
Genetic Tests with Charissa Goldapple
Charissa Goldapple accepted our challenge and did her nutrigenetics test with High Performance Brain. . After DNA collection and within a...
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High Performance Brain
12 de jan. de 20211 min de leitura
World Diabetes Day
Diabetes mellitus, or simply diabetes, is a group of metabolic diseases in which high blood glucose levels are found over a long period...
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High Performance Brain
29 de out. de 20201 min de leitura
World Food Day
Today is World Food Day, a commemoration created by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in 1981. The main aim was...
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High Performance Brain
29 de out. de 20201 min de leitura
World Mental Day
World Mental Health Day . According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Mental Health is “a state of well-being in which an...
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High Performance Brain
29 de out. de 20201 min de leitura
World Health Day
WORLD HEART DAY . Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the number 1 cause of death globally, taking an estimated 17.9 million lives each...
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High Performance Brain
6 de mai. de 20201 min de leitura
Can food prevent DEPRESSION?
The most common cause of disability in the world is depression. . Western diets have been linked to higher consumption of high-energy...
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