👉How to prepare your bedroom for a good night's sleep?💤
Mastering your sleep is one of the most important things you can do for your brain and overall health.
TIPS how to prepare your environment for a good night sleep:
✅Get the bedroom as cold as possible.
Your body naturally cools down at night to prepare for sleep, unless you don’t let it. Lower your thermostat or turn down the radiator and wear fewer clothes in bed.
✅Limit light exposure.
We need darkness to produce melatonin. Since the invention of electricity, most of use artificial light in the evening. If you want to sleep well start wearing blue-light blocking glasses before bedtime. Install f.lux on your computer to reduce blue light from the screen in the evening and use Night Shift on your iPhone or Twilight on your Android phone.
✅Let in some fresh air.
Air your room during the day so that your bed can air as well. If possible, sleep with an open window but only if you're neighborhood is quiet. If you can hear some environmental noise start using earplugs.
✅Listen to “pink noise”
Sleeping in a noisy space disrupts the quality of your sleep. However, research suggests that pink noise can enhance the brain's activity by increasing the amount of deep sleep. Study performed on older adults provided evidence that pink noise can also improve memory.
📥If you struggle with your sleep and you would like to receive more personalised advice, message us, one of our sleep specialists can help you to solve your sleeping problem!