✨How to improve productivity by "doing nothing"?✨
👉Do you still think that sleep is just a waste of time when you're doing nothing?
Actually, sleep is vital to cognitive performance, productivity, health, and well-being.
Prioritizing work over sleep is highly valued in our society. However, in reality, productivity and performance can decrease when a person is sleep-deprived.
Some people like to boost their productivity by consuming coffee and energy drinks. It is true that caffeine can improve performance, however none stimulant can serve as a substitute for sleep.
Sleep helps you to consolidate memories and remove toxic proteins in the brain and there isn't any supplement in the world that could do that.🧠
If you want to improve your productivity makes sure that you:
✔️stop working in the evening
✔️stop drinking caffeinated drinks after lunch
✔️avoid blue light at night
✔️have a nighttime routine
✔️have consistent sleeping schedule
✔️don't sleep in on the weekend
✔️take naps when you need it
✔️consult a sleep expert
📥If you would like to improve your productivity and end your struggles with sleep problems, message us, one of our specialists can help you!
Visit the website:hpbrain.org