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Burnout in the brain

Foto do escritor: High Performance BrainHigh Performance Brain

How to fight BURNOUT?🤯


Burnout is not just a state of mind, but it has lasting impacts on the functioning and structure of the brain.


👉Studies show that people who experience burnout:

🧠have a larger structure in the brain called the amygdala

🧠have reduced strength of the connection between the amygdala and other areas of the brain (which lessens the ability to regulate emotions)

🧠have reduced volume of the prefrontal cortex (structure in the brain responsible for cognitive functioning)


These structural changes in the brain translate to changes in the behaviour. The burned-out people have problems with controlling negative reactions to stimuli, problems with memory, attention, and executive cognitive functions like decision-making.


Burnout brain is rewired to survival mode, that's why it's so important to go through neuroplasticity training in order to alter your brain and prevent relapse of old patterns of information processing.


👉If you’re feeling burned out, this is what you can do now:

✔️block time in your calendar for doing nothing

✔️spend time in nature

✔️prioritise sleep

✔️find time for a hobby

✔️contact professional who can help and support you


Burnout recovery is possible. The sooner you start, the faster you get better.


👥High Performance Brain specialists can prepare for you personalized action plan that will help you overcome your problems.


👥Our specialists can also help you establish a burnout prevention plan. You need to incorporate healthy habits into your daily life in order to prevent burnout.


📥Contact us:





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