Many viral illnesses are associated with postviral sequelae, and unfortunately, COVID-19 is no exception. COVID-19 survivors appeared at increased risk for psychiatric sequelae, according to results of an analysis of retrospective cohort studies published in The Lancet Psychiatry. Results showed patients with no prior psychiatric history who were diagnosed with COVID-19 were at increased risk for a first psychiatric diagnosis in the following 14 to 90 days. Many patients started struggling with insomnia, difficulties with concentration, and a chronic fatigue.
COVID-19 is also associated with multiple psychiatric problems in the general population of adults and children. Cross-sectional, self-report surveys from January to April 2020 found that clinically significant psychiatric symptoms of anxiety, depression, distress, and PTSD were present in up to 36 percent of adults.
The COVID-19 pandemic is a significant psychological stressor. If you suspect that you may suffer from post-COVID syndrome and you experience multiple physical issues, please seek a visit with your primary care physician. If you need more guidance, we would love to prepare for you a treatment plan that involves wellness practices including improving sleep, exercise, and diet.
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