Air pollution can cause neurological damage.š§ šØ
New research published in the scientific journal "Environmental Research", links air pollution to brain changes associated with diseases like Alzheimerās.
Air pollution is linked to many adverse health conditions. Mexico City's metropolitan area (where more than 21 million people live) is well-known for its poor air quality. That's why researchers have chosen this city to conduct the experiment. They have examined the brainstems of 186 young Mexico City residents aged between 11 months and 27 years of age. They have found markers not only of Alzheimer's disease but also of Parkinson's and of motor neuron disease (MND) too. High concentrations of iron-, aluminum- and titanium-rich nanoparticles were also found in the examined brains.
Proteins do build up in the brain years before visible neurological symptoms appear. This study indicates that air pollution may put people at risk of potential neurological damage.
Read more here:
šCalderĆ³n-GarcidueƱas, Lilian, et al. "Quadruple abnormal protein aggregates in brainstem pathology and exogenous metal-rich magnetic nanoparticles (and engineered Ti-rich nanorods). The substantia nigraĀ is a very early target in young urbanites and the gastrointestinal tract a key brainstem portal." Environmental Research 191 (2020): 110139.
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